Friday, June 6, 2008

Acts 22

Paul makes his defense to the Jews in Jerusalem. He begins by recounting for them his training under famous Rabbii Gamaliel, and tells of his zealous persecution of the Christian Church. He tells them of his salvation experience on the Damascus Road and the bravery of Annanias in coming to pray for his healing. Everything appears to be going fairly well until we get to verse 21. here Paul tells the crowd that Jesus apears to him and sends him to the Gentiles. Bedlem ensues!

The Jews physically attack Paul again and the tribune orders the soldiers to bring him into the barracks and "examine him by flogging". Just as the beating is about to begin paul asks if it is legal for them to beat a Roman citizen without a trial. Paul's Roman citizenship changes everything for the tribune, and Paul is released to stand before the Jewish Council the next day and make his defense.

When paul was giving his account of his salvation, he mentions the martyr Stephen. i again am led to wonder how often Paul saw the face in his mind of the young man he had watched stoned to death. Stephen's faithful witness and martyrs death had more impact on the Christian church than we will know this side of heaven.


Beth Quick said...

Ah, I finally caught up!!! I can't believe it ;) I knew I was close when I started getting to posts where I could comment before Marshall or mw ;)

I'd never thought about how heavily Stephen's stoning must weigh on Paul, carrying the emotion and regret of that with him for so long.

I wonder how many times Paul thanked God for his Roman citizenship, which seemed to save him more than once. I also can't help but think about today's conversations around interrogation methods when reading about Paul's examination by flogging. We do such terrible things to one another.

I wonder if Paul realized mentioning the Gentiles would enrage the crowds, or if he was just caught up in his own truthful recounting of his experience. I liked hearing his experience from his perspective all this time later.

Marshall Bailey said...

I immediately realized as I was reading the retelling of this story that it looked awfully familiar, especially the appearance of the page. I have Red-letter NIV bible, so when Jesus talks to Paul on the road, it appears in red. The story in Acts 9, where it actually takes place, is in the exact location of the page, exactly 14 pages earlier. I thought that was really interesting - God allows us to see connections/surprises even in the locale of words in our bibles!
I really liked to reflect on this story again, especially since now we are hearing Paul's thoughts on it. Paul's (Saul's) conversion has been one that I have been regarding highly lately, and telling to many people. I'm VERY surprised at how many people don't really know anything about Paul, and especially don't know that A. He was a persecutor of Christians and B. after, he wrote a huge portion of the new testament! He really was quite the guy.
What they try to do to Paul is quite horrible. You say the wrong thing, you get flogged. That's pretty rough!
It's almost like he pulled out a "trump card" at the last minute with his Roman citizenship. He must have had an idea all along that his citizenship would make some sort of difference, but maybe he felt that in God's plan, he should hold it out 'til the last minute. Sure made a good point to see him almost persecuted, didn't it?
More excitement to come in the next chapter, I'm sure!
Great job catching up, Elizabeth. Now I'm doing the same. Ahh..
Wedding in 38 days...!