Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Acts 19

As Paul passes through Ephesus he comes across a group of people identified as "disciples" who had not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at their conversion. When Paul questions them they reply that they did not even know there was a Holy Spirit! Upon their baptism in the name of Jesus, Paul lays his hands upon them and they receive the Holy Spirit.

I wonder if we live in a day and in a church age where many, many people have never heard of, or at least have never met the Holy Spirit. Is it possible that we are walking around in Ephesus right now, and need only step a bit closer to have the power that we lack in our fellowships?

Paul preached in the area for 2 years and God does extraordinary miracles through him. Articles of his clothing and handkerchiefs are taken to the sick and demon possessed and they are healed and set free! Paul's power is so well known that even unbelievers begin to call on the name of the Lord and Paul for healing miracles. The 7 Sons of Sceva have a fairly awful result when they try this, and find themselves chased naked and beaten from the house they were in. As Paul sets his heart towards a ministry in Rome, more opposition breaks out in Ephesus.

Have you received the Holy Spirit? Did you even know there is a Holy Spirit and power for living lives of faith available today? I think the problem is one of intimacy. How intimate is your relationship with the living God today? What steps might you take to draw nearer to God?


mw said...

I agree with the importance of being intimate with God.

But I wonder if this is the reason or deciding factor on the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible tells of many great believers and disciples that were baptized, but had not received the Holy Spirit until Paul laid his hands on them.

In addition, new believers, regardless of their past sins have been known to immediately receive the Spirit upon conversion, as evidenced by their ability to speak in tongues.

They did not have an intimate relationship with God before this - they were sinners who accepted Christ as their Savior and were immediately filled with the Spirit.

I wonder if it was the process or procedure used by the "baptizer" that resulted in them being baptized with water only - and not the Spirit.

I wonder if a "Spirit Baptism" class, lesson, lecture or service could be helpful to our community.

I know I need it.

Beth Quick said...

The town clerk is so practical and rational!

I find it fascinating how many sort of varieties or sects of The Way there must have been as different disciples did their work in different areas and before people could easily have a uniform way of learning about things. Of course, I guess that's not so different from today, but we don't have lack of communication technology as an excuse ;)

Marshall Bailey said...

Man Paul gets around. I had to look at the map in the back of my bible to make sure it wasn't talking about something as big as current day Asia, but still he was everywhere!
In this section and others, it really shows that Paul was always willing to step up to a challenge - even with the riot in Ephesus. Are we always willing?
The holy spirit is something that has truly changed me. I know I'm never alone, and I know that someone will always be listening when I need it. How can you have a relationship with the Almighty without it?
It's good that we know the power of God and call upon his name - we certainly see amazing results in our lives and those of others. Many of us have scared demons out of selves, through the name of Christ.
To draw nearer to God, I (we) should...
Pray. But Really pray. Not just falling asleep or before a meal. Then meditate - go to a quiet place in listen.
Read. Don't rush through the bible. Look at the words on the page and allow God to speak to you through those words. Acknowledge. Every day, God is doing so much in our lives, and answering our prayers. Do we ack? not usually. Look for these tiny or huge things in your life that the Man Upstairs is taking care of, and you will certainly live differently.
Hey, why not be more intimate with the Living God? He's IN us.
God bless all!