Thursday, July 17, 2008

2 Corinthians 7

In Chapter 7 Paul reflects on what must have been a deeply personal and painful time of church discipline with the Church of Corinth. Paul took no pleasure in the process, but he reassures them that what has been produced is of eternal value.

I often fail to find the balance between process and product. I normally err by focusing on the product. I ask myself and those I lead "What will we accomplish, and how soon can we accomplish it?" I often fail to ask "How is the journey - the process going to impact the Body of Christ in this place?" Both ends of this equation are important. The process we engage in is often overlooked by me, and I am trying to grow up into the leader God has purposed for me to be.

Yes, I still want to know where we are going, and I long to be productive in the Vineyard assignment set before me. But I want to arrive at the Kingdom with all those entrusted to my care.

Lord, let me see what you see and move as you call in unwavering obedience.

1 comment:

Beth Quick said...

I like how Paul describes godly grief and worldly grief - one leading to repentance and life, the other leading to death. I'd never really thought about it that way.