Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Luke 9

Having demonstrated a complete mastery over creation in chapter 8 Jesus does an amazing thing here in chapter 9. He gives his disciples a commission to go and do what they have watched him do! It is one thing to know the power of Jesus, it is quite another to have him send us in that same power!

When the disciples return from their successful mission, Jesus withdraws with them to a quiet place to debrief and rest. The crowds hear of his whereabouts and follow him to his retreat site. Wow, that hits home. imagine going off on vacation and having your work load met you at the cabin! I might not respond as graciously as Jesus did! He welcomed them and healed and taught them and when it grew ate he feeds them! I must admit, don't enjoy Luke's account of the feeding of the 5000 as well as I like other accounts, but t is still telling and moving!

later when Jesus is alone with his disciples and he has been praying he asks them what the people are saying about him - who do they think he is? He then personalizes the question for the 12 and I believe he still turns this question on us, "But who do you say that I am?" Luke 9:20 NRSV. I say, Jesus is the Messiah. God with us, Emmanuel. He is my savior and my King, the Bridegroom of the church who is coming again to receive us and take us to be with him forever! How about you? Who do you say he is?

The rest of this chapter is packed with important material, the transfiguration, a demon possessed little boy is cleansed, a discussion about who will be greatest in the Kingdom, the Thunder Brothers want to destroy a Samaritan village etc. But I want to close by asking you to think honestly and deeply about Jesus question to his disciples. "Who do you say Jesus is?" A second question follows quickly into my mind, "What impact does your answer have on the way you live your life?"


Marshall Bailey said...

Another long, full chapter. I think the way Jesus sends out the disciples is interesting - like what we want to do as parents, as educators, and as Christians - make others better, so that they can follow in our footsteps. You know, Discipling - we learned from the best I guess. Without this process, we'd never have what we have today for religion. I wish I were as bold as some of these men!
I think it's kind of funny that you mentioned Jesus going off alone on "vacation" when in fact you have taken your whole church community with you on vacation with this blog/Bible study. Haha. Guess you're kinda like Jesus! Thanks, Bill!
I've always been an avid food eater, so when Jesus feeds all those people with just a little amount of food - it's really amazing to me. I wish I could do that - we could do something about this hunger problem in the world. I love telling this story to people who don't know it - it's so exciting!
Who do I say that Jesus is? Because of what I know, I say that Jesus is the one thing in my life that (should) impact everything else. I know that he is the single thing in my life that has made everything else better without making anything worse. I know that he is the solid foundation that will always be there no matter what the situation in my life. All these things considered - I agree with Peter, Jesus is the one true Christ!
Apparently, following Jesus has a huge cost. We often think we can't afford it. He says not even to bring a change of clothes, but just to trust in him. It's interesting though - because we don't get to bring anything with us to Heaven either. Maybe he's just getting the disciples ready for that. I mean - what's the point in taking all that stuff when you can't keep it forever? Even still, it's so hard to put everything behind you and go forward with your life. Even when you go on a missions trip, you still bring quite a bit of stuff with you. All things considered, it certainly seems worth it!
I'll continue to ask myself who I say Jesus is every time I speak his name - it definitely helps fathom the power and love that he brings.
In Him,
Marshall Bailey

mw said...

Who is Jesus?

He is the one I owe my life to.

He is the one who patiently waited while I tried to run my life my way.

He is the one who gently guided me to His cross, showed me the blood He shed for me, and whispered that He loved me enough to die for me.

He is the one that showed me how much better life is with Him.

He is the one that I can trust to stand by me when things get tough.

He is the one I can turn to, vent my frustrations and anger, and know that He will still love me when I am done acting like a child.

He is the one I can trust today, tomorrow and forever.

He is the one I want to share with my family, friends and strangers.

He is the measuring-stick I need to use to measure my life.

He is my King.

He is the reason I live today. He is the reason I will live for eternity.

Praise Jesus!

Beth Quick said...

"11When the crowds found out about it, they followed him; and he welcomed them, and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed to be cured." This verse just struck me in this time reading. Just so simple, and so complete, Jesus' ministry.

"Jesus said to him, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’" This one strikes me too. Aren't I always looking back?