Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Romans 15

Paul is wrapping up this important piece of work in his letter to the church in Rome. He reminds them again to live gently with hospitality for each other. He reminds the Romans and us that Jesus chose to satisfy others in his gracious life and not to satisfy himself, and he calls us to live for others as well.

Paul makes the Israel / Gentile connection again and reaffirms his call to be a "minister" to the gentiles. It struck me as I read this that Paul's point of reference for being in "ministry" is different than mine. I see ministry as a job and a position. Paul seems to be speaking here about a role in temple worship especially in vss 15 and 16 when he talks about bringing the offerings of the Gentiles before God in a way that will be "acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit."

Paul makes it clear here that he is on his way to Rome as part of a larger journey. Tradition tells us that Paul is martyred in Rome, but it seems clear to me that Paul plans to pass through Rome long enough to gather support and backing he needs for the mission to Spain he has dreamed of. Paul inspires me as he looks to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ where no one has yet preached the word.

Paul ends the body of his text by asking for prayer support in the process of coming to them. He will use chapter 16 largely for greeting members of the church by name and commending them and his letter through them.

What is the next great adventure that God has planned for you? What are you dreaming of accomplishing in cooperation with God's grace? Lord, cast a great vision before us and lead us into your future.


Lynn said...

Bill, I'm inspired by your question at the end of your comments. I was pondering the same question the other night as I completed the Confirmand's lesson for the week. I wondered where the Lord will take me after Confirmation Sunday. I just love the walk I'm having with Jesus at this point in my life. Looking back 10 or 12 years ago, I never would have thought that I would be where I am with him. ONLY BY HIS GRACE! What ever the vision He gives me, I will follow His lead. Thanks for the inspiration.

Alan said...

Nothing like roamin around Romans to keep you alert, thinking and growing.

Pastor Bill said...

You are an inspiration to me as well my friend! I hope the call God has for you keeps us working together for a long time!

mw said...

"Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us..."

I continue to struggle in this area in my job, but pray constantly to stop judging our clients.

My job as a Social Worker gives me the opportunity to interface with people returning from prison for various reasons - some that initially made me very angry.

When I first started, I found myself in constant prayer - for me to see past their actions and love them like Jesus.

Satan did his best to make me judge them, but praise God, the Holy Spirit asked me a simple question:

"Did Jesus die for them too?"

The Holy Spirit reminded me that our Lord and Saviour has forgiven all of us for our sins and received massive beatings that WE deserved.

The least I can do is accept my brothers and sisters as Christ received me.

After all, I am reminded that unforgiveness is a sin just as serious as adultery, theft, etc.

I thank God that He has given me the opportunity to mature in this area.

I am ever thankful.

Hoo Rah!

Bill said...

Hey Mark,

I watched you at work loving the folks who needed to see Christ in you. God is working in us to build us and mature us and God is pleased with you - don't think less of yourself, or more of yourself than you aught to! I am so thankful for your friendship and faith walk!


Marshall Bailey said...

It's really wonderful how God has a plan for each and every one of us. I wonder what would happen if he just gave it to us on a piece of paper and told us to do it. can you imagine the number of complaints? People would be saying, "you want me to do what?!" and "what ever happened to free will?" God's plan changes lives, and always works for the better, although sometimes we may not see it that way. I just pray that I will always find it, and always see how it is improving my life.

Beth Quick said...

I'm as fascinated by these details of Paul's relationship/practices with the churches as I am by trying to understand his theological viewpoints. It's hard enough to build relationships now with all of our technology and communication modes. I can't imagine what it was like for Paul to build a real relationship with so many people/places - and yet he cultivates such a personal presence too. Fascinating.