Monday, February 11, 2008

Romans 14

Last week my wife and daughters joined me in a Lenten discipline of giving up meat. We have discussed this before for the health benefits and decided to try to go through Lent "meat free". So far, it has not been very difficult. I am blessed to be surrounded by great cooks, and they have provided me with tasty alternatives to my usual choices. Last night I was tempted to cheat, and this morning Paul is not helping me! It's actually kind of funny, and I will try to complete what I have started, but having Paul call me "weak" because I am eating vegetables could lead me to a cheeseburger binge!

I believe what Paul is really getting at is not so much a preference for foods or holy days, but a call to walk by faith. The last verse of this chapter brings it all together for me. Verse 23 reads, "But those who have doubts are condemned if they eat, because they do not act from faith; for whatever does not proceed from faith is sin."

I am trying to apply this wisdom to every area of my life. If I can not do what I am doing in faith, I must ask God for strength to stop! This is not as easy as it sounds at first, but as I journey into it I find myself growing more peaceful and contented. Our life in faith is not so much about performance or rule keeping, it is a relationship measured and energized by faith!

Here's one of the hard parts. Your faith walk is not my job, and my faith walk is not your job. Yes, we can walk together and offer suggestions and encouragement, but ultimately you are responsible for your relationship in faith, and I am responsible for my relationship in faith.

One final thought - Paul gives a beautiful summation on the Kingdom of God. In verse 17 he says, "For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Perhaps we can measure our faithfulness, our righteousness, by the peace and joy our behavior is generating? Lord, help me walk in faith.


Abed-melech said...

Hello followers of Christ Jesus, \
While reading chapters of the Bible I usually look into the study section to look for interpretation to scripture. I feel that a good study guide helps me where I am not able to comprehend. I have found in some cases sentences, that I am not able to comprehend, are not explained. Today's reading, verse 14 [NLT] in the middle of the verse, says "I know and am convinced on the authority of the Lord Jesus that no food....'in and of itself' wrong to eat. What was Paul trying to say here?

Beth Quick said...

My understanding of this passage is that Paul is writing on the topic of meat sacrificed to pagan gods/idols. Some Christians would partake of this meat that had been sacrificed, figuring that since they knew the idols were meaningless, what difference did it make? But others would abstain from eating this meat, saying it was wrong to eat meat sacrificed to other deities.

What I love about this passage is the idea of hospitality, in the sense that we can do what we think will help our brothers and sisters in their discipleship, even if it isn't something we consider absolutely necessary. For me, I abstain from alcohol - not because I think it is absolutely wrong - Jesus' first miracle was with wine - but because I think my abstaining makes sure I don't put a stumbling block out for others who struggle with being around alcohol.

I do also like how Paul reminds us that if we view something as unclean, then indeed, it is unclean for us and wrong of us to partake - "it is unclean for anyone who thinks it is unclean." That's an interesting concept.

And of course, Uncle Bill, I'm excited about your family Lenten journey ;)

Pastor Bill said...

Hi Servant of the King,

I beleive Paul means that for the Christian there is no food we are forbidden to eat like the Jewish Law proposed. For example, to the Jew Pork of any kind, shell fish, and other foods were prohibited "in and of themselves" by Levitical law. Now Paul is agreeing with the Christian Church position that no food is "unclean" because of itself, but he is asserting that we might abstain from some foods out of conscience and to protect the faith of others.

I agree with Elizabeth's understanding here and i believe paul was prbably specifically speaking of food sacrificed to idols in this text, but the larger rule carries over into other areas of our lives today. I also astain from alcohol - not because I think alcohol is evil "in and of itself" but because I know others can stumble by my liberty.

Thanks for working with me here!


Marshall Bailey said...

Hello everyone.
I love food. This passage was right up my alley.
I have found many times during Lent that people get caught up in the "annoyance" of the rules of what can be eaten when. In fact, because they are bitter about the rules they are following, I have seen people express their disappointment in those people who are not following! As a Methodist, I did not have as many Lenten "rules" growing up, and the no meat on Friday thing was relatively foreign to me. However, sacrifices made for the glory of God in good conscience are what makes Lent special. The things I am giving up, and the things Bill and his family are giving up fall into this category. People do get so caught up on the "rules," because we are such a rule-based society, that they forget about the reason for the sacrifice, and how it doesn't come close to comparing to the sacrifice that Christ made for could it?
I also like how Paul emphasizes in these verses to use our conscience when dealing with this subject. If we know in our hearts that something is wrong or will be bad for those around us, we shouldn't do it, even if it might not be a problem. Just another way God is always helping us double check ourselves.
So happy to be sharing lent with you all. One week no soda as of this hour. woo hoo!
God bless,

mw said...

I personally like the statement on edification - it was exactly the opposite back in my military years.

We foolishly believed that it was a sign of quick wit and intelligence to cut people up in group settings.

Sadly, I was considered one of the best in this area.

The business team my wife and I work with discourages anything but edification - we subtly turn negative conversations into positive ones. Like the bible says, we look for the good in people and edify them.

What a great feeling to lift people up rather than cut them up.

I wish I could go back in time and start obeying this verse earlier.

One part I struggle and wrestle with Satan over is "whatever is not from faith is sin".

I have struggled with concern over my finances, the health and safety of my family, my job, my snow-filled driveway and many silly things that God has already promised to provide for us.

I have learned to find scriptures that apply to these areas and recite them to fight off Satan.

I know worry is just one of the tools he uses to take away our faith. If he can get us to doubt, he can take advantage of that open door to tempt us in other areas.

I am getting better at quickly SLAMMING that door in his face. Renewing my mind and praying daily has been the key.

Just another reason to follow your daily reading, Pastor. It helps shine up our armor of God!

God Bless.