Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ephesians 1

As we begin our study of Ephesians some will breathe a sigh of relief to be leaving Romans! Romans is a theologically complicated letter, and completing reading and studying that book should give you courage and energy for the next part of our journey. If you have been reading with us from the beginning, keep up the good work! If you are taking up this study now, stay with us, try to read a little ever day. If you have questions or comments post them here or call me at the church or at home.

The letter to the Church at Ephesus is one of my favorite books in the Bible. I love the encouragement and the strength of this letter. Paul writes to the church in this first chapter some amazing observations and promises about who we are in Christ Jesus. He tells us that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (1:3), that we have been chosen to be holy and blameless (1:4), we are forgiven (1:7), we have an inheritance (1:12), and we are marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit (1:14)!

He ends the first chapter with a prayer that we might come to know who we are in Christ. He hopes we will come to recognize the riches of the blessings secured for us in Christ and the awesome power God wants to put to work in the believers life. He says in vs. 20 that God put this power to work in Christ when he raised Jesus from the dead and seated him at his right hand in glory. Think about that for a moment. God wants to put the same power at work in you and in me that he used to raise Jesus from the dead!

What are you struggling with right now? Is it more powerful than the power God used when he raised Jesus from the dead? I assure you, anything that we are facing can be overcome by the grace and power of God working in us. I wonder what is preventing that power from being unleashed in the world today. Lord work in and through us for your glory! Amen.


Darlynne said...

In verse five was Paul saying God's plan for adoption was predestined or was he saying Christians were predestined to be adopted.(Rm. 8:29) I have to tell you... I love to think about adoption and redemption.....election and predestination...not so much. I get a headache. :(

Marshall Bailey said...

Bill, I share your excitement with Ephesians. It's short, impressive, and exciting! All too often I'm reminded by the world of the "constraints" placed upon Christians, while the excitement of our inheritance is rarely recognized.
I love the verses that say the Holy Spirit is a deposit for our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession (13-14). Deposit, how about that---just like we have to put a deposit down when we go to order the cake for our wedding, we have a deposit in our lives by believing in Jesus Christ and accepting the holy spirit. It's going to be so exciting when we get the "balance" of this transaction.
The other verses that stick out to me are 19-23. God has placed Jesus at his right hand, which is more powerful than anything, any time, anywhere. No president, or rich person, king, priest, etc. is more powerful than Jesus. This also means that he's more powerful than Gods that came after him, including Buddha, Muhammad, and all the others. What a great promise that is for us! It also means that he is more powerful than anything in this world, be it guns, people, money, etc. - he is more incredible than anything that ever was or ever will be. That's my God!
God bless, all. Hope the services went really well today!
In Him,
Marshall Bailey

Pastor Bill said...

Hi Darlynne,
Somehow I missed your question until just now - 6:45PM Sunday night. Sory for the delay, but let me try to answer.

The word in Eph.1:5 is the same greek word as Romans 8:29 and in fact is used only in Romans 8:29& 30 and Ephesians 1:5& 11 and Acts 4:28.

I know what you mean by the joy of redemption and adoption overshadowing the struggle with election and predestination. I heard a neat explanation of election where an election is held regarging our salvation - God votes yes, Satan voted no, and we cast the deciding vote. I'm not sure it is theologically sound, but I like it.

I think you are on track with Paul saying Christians are predestined to be adopted because it seems consistant with Romans. I am a weak Calvinist in this area because I hear Paul say in 1 Timothy 2:4 that God desires all to be saved. So, knowing my weakness and Gods great grace I stick with offering Christ and adoption to all and trust God can sort out the details.

I know this is a fairly weak answer, but the predestination dilemma has always boggled me!


Pastor Bill said...

Hi Marshall,

Services were fun today! I love worship services. I admit I am tired after 4 worship services, but if someone wants to organize a fifth service Sunday evenings I am willing!

Thanks for you comments on Ephesians 1. I wanted to offer a tie in to the comments you make about Jesus being seated at the Father's right hand and how powerful that is - I agree and it is an awesome thing to consider! Now look at Ephesians 2:6 where Paul goes on to say that we are also seated in the heavenly places with Christ. WOW!! How cool is that!

Thanks for keeping up with these readings and adding your comments friend!


Beth Quick said...

I like how Paul says he's heard about the faith and love of the Ephesians - such a compliment. I think of Jesus telling the disciples that people of faith will be known by their love. I wonder if that is true for us? What have people heard about our faith? (as individuals, congregations, denominations...)