Monday, May 5, 2008

Luke 22

I am back home and back to the task of daily blogging. I missed it when I was gone, and I can easily see how people can fall away from this discipline and not return to it! I hope if you have taken time away that you will return and follow along as we leave Luke this week and journey through the book of Acts. This weeks readings are as follows; Monday - Luke 22, Tuesday -Luke 23, Wednesday - Luke 24, Thursday - Acts 1, Friday - Acts 2. We are on this schedule because Luke wrote both Luke and Acts and the Sunday May 11th 2008 is Pentecost Sunday! We will read Acts 2 Friday and then be prepared to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit with power this Sunday. It is a church tradition to wear red on Pentecost so fee free to break out that red tie, or dress, or ?????

Luke 22 is Luke's account of the Last Supper celebrated by Jesus with his disciples and the institution of the Lord's Supper. A careful reading of Luke 22 will find that Luke remembers 2 cups of wine in the meal instead of the traditional 1 we use today. The disciples dispute who will be the greatest in the Kingdom after the meal instead of before the meal as in John, and Jesus encourages them to lead like he does - as a servant and not as a despot!

Jesus words to Peter are chilling for me. He says, "Simon, Simon, listen! Satan has demanded to sift all of you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your own faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Luke 22:31&32 NRSV. I imagine it might paralyze us if we knew how desperately Satan hates us and desires to "sift us like wheat". But be of good cheer, Jesus prays for us and travels with us still and will be our strength and portion.

Jesus passion is briefer but still compelling here. As he struggles in the garden in prayer an angel appears and strengthens him. Judas comes amid armed guards and torches and sleepy disciples and swords and Jesus is arrested. he is beaten and mocked and dragged before the High Priest. Peter denies Jesus 3 times as predicted and as the cock crows Jesus looks into Peter's eyes. How devastating this must have been for Simon. It is a wonder that he didn't take his own life in the midst of his grief.

Jesus allows the beating and humiliation from the religious leaders and their minions here in chapter 22. In the next chapter the civil courts take over and punish him as well. A conspiracy of Jew and Gentile - all peoples from the writers point of view - come together to take the life of the Son of God.


Marshall Bailey said...

Okay so how about that Judas. What a real jerk. Does it say anywhere if he knew that Jesus would be CRUCIFIED if he betrayed him? Can you imagine turning ANYONE in for ANY some of money, knowing they would be put through that kind of torture? It seems inhumane to me, but maybe that's just because...well just because.
Maybe Judas was a spoiled brat as a child :-P. I guess he meets his destiny later in the reading get what you asked for I guess...
Anyway, this whole thing is a really powerful and important part of our faith. So many of our rituals have foundation in this feast, and it's something that distinguishes denominations. How incredible it would have been to share in the last supper with Jesus.
Thanks for pointing out the slight differences, PB. It's really interesting to see those things as we read through the gospels. I think I recall Jesus' prayer being more extensive in John's last supper also?
Peter, Peter, Peter. I just don't know - that's such a crazy situation, and a very hard question to answer, knowing what will happen if you answer, "yes, I followed this man..." Would we be with Peter, or would we not deny Jesus?
the last verse of the chapter really struck me:
"Then they said, "Why do we need any more testimony? We have heard it from his own lips." Luke 22:71 NIV
Wouldn't that be nice if that's all we needed? How many times in the bible does Christ admit to being the messiah? Not too awful many, but a lot! But, that's not always enough for us, or for others. It's really too bad - Jesus is so powerful, and he is the messiah. He said it himself, so believe it!
I'll have to keep that on my heart as people test me.
God bless!
Happy soon to be Pentecost (What a wonderfully triumphant time - and the last time we reached Easter in the gospel of John on Easter in the bible - how cool!)

mw said...

I find it interesting that Satan had to ask God for Peter. I would love to hear you preach on that subject, PB.

I find it interesting, because I am ashamed to say that Satan did not have to ask for me "back in the day."

Had he gone to God back then, he may have heard the words, "I do not know him - do what you will."

BUT, Praise the Lord, He knows me now!

And if Satan wants to mess with me he has to ask my Father for permission, just like he did with Peter.

But, I am proud to know that if the Lord allows him to mess with me now, He will provide a way for me to escape.

Not only that, but the door that He opens will lead to something bigger and better and more rewarding than the last door.

I've got my armour on...and with God on my side, who can be against me?

I have SO much to be thankful for.

Praise God and His love.

Hoo Rah!

Beth Quick said...

I don't really understand Jesus' turn around in the purse/bag/sword section. I'm not sure what's meant there. Just a sense of sadness in Luke's account here, at least to me.