Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mark 2

When we come to Chapter 2 we find in the NRSV that Jesus is "at home". I did some research on this and it doesn't seem that the original Greek speaks of Jesus being at a home that he owned, but more implies that they new he was in a home. Some theologians guess that it was the home of Simon Peter. All of this is interesting I suppose, but what really catches me as I read this is the friends of the man in need.

There is a paralyzed man whose friends believe can be helped by Jesus. They are not stopped by the great crowds or any other obstacle in there determined attempts to get their friend to Jesus.

I am struck this morning by my lazy attempts at evangelism compared to these friends.

Do you know someone this morning that could be helped by Jesus? Are you willing to bring that person to meet the Savior? What are you willing to do to make sure your friend receives what they need from the Lord?

It seems to me that casual, incidental faith is not very attractive, nor is it very effective. But these friends, for all their inappropriate behavior, get results!


Beth Quick said...

I always try to imagine how I would respond if someone 1) said they could heal someone on the spot or 2) said they could forgive someone of their sins. Likely, I would meet the person with extreme doubt and skepticism. I try then to realize that I would likely have been a skeptic in Jesus' day too - or like Thomas, I would have certainly wanted to see things with my own eyes. I know the context was different, people's expectations of what was possible were different. But I wonder - what would it take for us to believe in such a thing today? What would it have taken for me to be a disciple of Jesus instead of thinking he was a trickster or sham as so many of the 'churchy' folks did?

Charlene said...

What great friends! I wonder if this was, "Oh, well, we've tried everything else. What can it hurt?" or "Let's cancel the appointment with the doctor and take him over to see Jesus."

Sarah said...

Hi Pastor Bill!
I have to admit that I am puzzled by Jesus' parable in Mark 2:18-22...the one about the piece of cloth and about the wineskins. Obviously it is connection with the fasting explaination...and maybe I was reading to late at night to comprehend...could you clarify?

Pastor Bill said...


I think Jesus is commenting that the relationship he offers as apposed to the religion they were used to practicing is like the tearing that takes place with the new patch or new wine in an old wine skin. Religion and religious acts - like pharisaic fasting or rule keeping are torn assunder by the new wine of relationship with Jesus. The old can't stand up to the new.