Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1 Timothy 2

Today's reading begins with a call to prayer for kings and all leaders. as we close the Democratic convention and begin the Republicans I suppose this is timely advice for us. We are encouraged by Paul to pray for the leaders so that we may have a peaceful life that leads to the salvation of all people. Paul reminds us of God's desire for all to come to salvation when he says, "This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1Timothy 2:3-4 NRSV.

Verses 8,9 and 10 speak of Paul's preferences for proper dress and attitudes in worship. These are not much of a problem for most people, as they seem to be a call to modesty and reverence. Verses 11 and following however, are not easy to navigate or understand.

The verse translated here as, "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man;" 1 Timothy 2:12 NRSV, might better be translated,“I have decided that for the moment women are not to teach or have authority over men” The verb selected and the tense used here imply a temporary isolated imposition, not a blanket rule. This would make sense given the cultural struggle in Ephesus during the period of this writing. it also lines up with the weight of scripture.

When I was a student at Houghton College a young man brought this verse to Dr. Carl Schultz one afternoon and began to proclaim, "The Bible says..." Dr. Schultz interrupted him and said, "No, that verse says that. Let's take a moment and see what the Bible says." Dr. Schultz then led us all on a journey through the inclusiveness of the New Testament, the women who were fellow workers with Paul, the prophetesses, the Judges, and of course Galatians 3:28, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."

Be careful when you think you know what the Bible says that you don't actually know what one verse taken out of context says.


Darlynne said...

My Dad in his messages used to use alliteration to help people remember the main points. Often the titles of his meassages were also alliterative. "Timely Tips in Troubled Times for Timid Timmothy." I still remeber that one.

Beth Quick said...

Just want to let you know I'm still coming along, way back in 2 Corinthians ;) Love you!

Pastor Bill said...

Hi Darlynne,

I wish I had known your Dad. I need to be better about giving my sermons titles now that they are being recorded and offered on CD. I went to church with Rebekah and Paul (and of course Julia and Ruth!) last weekend and their new pastor includes a detailed outline and notes on his sermons.
Maybe when I grow up....


Pastor Bill said...

Hi Beth,

I have been having trouble keeping up too!

I posted Monday the 8th before Thursday and Fridays so people would know which way to proceed. 16 hour days have been the norm the last 2 weeks. But, I love this gift called ministry.

Love Bill

Marshall Bailey said...

So hello. A lot of people think that the bible is "inconsistent" because of the fact that some verses say things like these - but really, they need to know the facts. People will make any excuse to have the bible seem wrong or against what they believe, but they really don't know what they're talking about.
Now, women should definitely be a part of the church, and they really do help keep the church afloat. We have women of faith and all kinds of things, and I don't think the church is rejecting women as people think the scripture says. It's great to know that we are accepting now, but also that we weren't really rejecting then.
Timothy must have been pretty scared to say that.
I love to have discussions with the Young Life kids as you said you were having with your professor. They really like that - and it certainly makes them understand scripture and the gospel more. It's really hard to take any verse out of context and get it's complete meaning - I always try to be careful of that.
Thanks everyone,

Pastor Bill said...

Hey Marshall,

What a great ministry you guys have with the youth of Young Life. Opening the Bible and digging in is a great example to people of all ages. Way to go friend!


Marshall Bailey said...

It is so great. I'm really glad to be a part of it - certainly is something that high school kids really need.
God Bless,

Beth Quick said...

Of course, I struggle with this chapter. Women being saved through childbearing, keeping silent, and hair unbraided. Just doesn't seem like we're getting a very good deal. But of course, I try to understand the context, etc. But still, I wonder how those women in that community felt about Paul's words.