Monday, October 6, 2008

Matthew 16

This week as we continue our journey through the Gospel of Matthew, please read the following chapters; Monday - Matthew 16, Tuesday - Matthew 17, Wednesday - Matthew 18, Thursday - Matthew 19, and Friday - Matthew 20.

The Pharisees continue their attempts to catch Jesus in a theological blunder, and he will not engage them here. As he cautions the disciples it is funny at first blush how ignorant they are, and how simple minded they appear. The humor wears off for me when I realize that despite the fact that I have Holy Spirit abiding within, and I have the New Testament record of all Jesus taught and did, and a college and seminary training, and I have been preaching for 30 years and and and.... It strikes me that I still often don't quite get what the Master is saying to me and I look feeble and confused. That's not nearly as funny as their questions about bread.

After they have jouirneyed a bit further on Jesus asks them what the polling data is on his Messiahship, he asks "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" Matthew 16:13b NRSV. The disciples answer that honestly enough. Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah or Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Then Jesus turns the light fully on them and asks, "But who do you say that I am?" Matthew 16:15b NRSV. Without hesitating Peter answers in great faith, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Matthew 16:16b. Brilliant! Excellent! Well done Rocky! Jesus commends Peter and he must have felt terrific! For a moment at least.

Next Jesus begins to tell the disciples the deeper part of his mission as Messiah, that he must suffer and die. Peter who only moments ago was brilliant, rebukes Jesus and tells him not to talk that way. This causes Jesus to give perhaps the harshest rebuke of the gospels to a disciple when he says, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things." Matthew 16:23 NRSV.

Have you ever had one of those days? One minute you are at the top of the world, the next you are a goat? Well, take heart! Peter's stock drastically fell in those few moments, but Jesus doesn't do away with him. And Jesus will not do away with you or me friend. thanks be to God for grace and mercy that is new every morning!


Marshall Bailey said...

Bread - yeah, that's funny. They didn't get that they would still be fed, and things were taken care of, because I guess two times of feeding people with minimal materials wasn't good enough to show them that Jesus could do anything. I'm telling you, it sure seems that if I were one of those people fed, or one of the people serving, I wouldn't be doubting this man...then again, we all have our moments, right? It is pretty funny, I'm glad you were able to help me see the humor in it!
"Who do you say that I am? Who do you Say is the Son of Man? Do people see, what you believe, who do you say that I am?" We sing those words in a song at Young Life. His words really help us to realize that it's not about what the church things or what your parents or friends think, it's what YOU think. He's after a personal relationship with he wants to know how WE feel about it...
Good ol' Peter coming through with the right answer, only to be called Satan a few moments later. I would imagine that I would probably tell Jesus to stop saying he was going to die, because that would be scary. If someone I loved told me that was what had to be done, and what would happen, I certainly would do everything in my power to try to stop it. I can totally see where Peter was coming from!
I've had one of those days. It's funny that you related stock to these verses, especially with everything that's gone on lately. The dow was up 300 early today, now it's down almost 200. We all have days like that...but the Grace of God is sufficient and consistent. Thanks be to God!
Amen. See you in 17,

Beth Quick said...

I know we don't get it any better with all the extra help we have. But I do love it when you can sort of hear Jesus' exasperated tone coming right of the page at you: "You think I'm talking about BREAD????"

But I do so relate to Peter - first being right on, then being called Satan. What an example of the Christian journey. Thank God God is so patient with us, despite our ridiculous missing the point and our inconsistencies.